
I learned to ski late, in my thirties, but I was able to become skilled enough to enjoy the long runs at the mountainous ski areas of Utah, Colorado, Idaho and Montana.  My skills have atrophied as my skiing opportunities have diminished in recent years, so I was quite excited that a visit to Alyeska ski resort was in our plans.

Alyeska Peak is not as high as those in the Rockies, but the elevation at the bottom is essentially sea level, so one is treated to a large vertical drop without the high nosebleed risk (and out-of-breathness) of high elevations.

Poldi’s sister April joined us at this juncture of our Alaska trip.  She was once a world-class competitive skier, who early in her career came to Alyeska to compete.  One of her ski team friends, Heather, eventually came here permanently, raised a family and is still actively teaching.  I became her informal ski student as we explored the slopes of Alyeska. Here are some photos.

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A quick trip down, via timelapse.

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