About this website

Exploring Iceland’s tundra, September 2017

I have a backlog of photographs to share, and I have some stories I’d like to tell.  And I expect there will be new ones to come.

I’ve organized the site so that I can make incremental contributions to two projects.  One is the travelogue of my 2001 trip to take pictures of the night sky during an employment sabbatical (Nightscape Odyssey), and the other is to collect my favorite pictures into a virtual coffee table book.

I will post those increments as I complete them, but there are other topics that I cannot help myself from engaging in.  In particular, as I sift through the artifacts I retained during my career, I realize that some may need some explanatory context.  I am happy to provide it.

I am also the partner of a travel addict, whom I am delighted to accompany on global explorations, especially since she is fluent in many languages and is willing to hold my hand when visiting these exotic (to me) destinations.  I will likely have some comments to make on these journeys.

So this website is intended to be a collection of things I have discovered in the past, and of things I am still discovering now.  I hope you find them interesting.

Thor Olson
October 2019