Epilogue for Coffee Table Nightscapes

The epilogue to my Coffee Table Nightscapes photo book project.

It has been a remarkable few decades since I began taking these pictures.  The world, and our understanding of it, have changed.  Space probes and telescopes have beamed back impressive imagery that reveal more and more of our amazing universe.  The pictures I have taken over this time may not be scientifically significant, but I hope they convey a sense of curiosity and wonder at what can be seen in our night sky. 

The tools and techniques for taking these pictures have also changed.  Although I don’t expect an equivalent to the digital revolution we have experienced, there are dramatic advances underway in “computational photography” and other imaging technologies that will provide even more opportunities to make inspiring and beautiful images of the night sky.  I will follow along as far as I can, so that maybe, someday, I will make a sequel to this coffee table book.  Just imagine what another 25 years of nightscapes will bring!

Thor Olson
December 2021

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