Superior Circle tour: Endor

Our next destination, also not initially on our route, was Porcupine Mountain State Park. This turned out to be an unexpected treasure and we are likely to return someday. A highlight was the overlook onto the Lake of the Clouds, but we found the other features of the park to be appealing as well—the shoreline of Lake Superior of course, the various waterfalls, and the hiking trails.

This 30-second clip shows how similar this place is to the forest moon of Endor.

A Speeder Ride through Endor

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3 thoughts on “Superior Circle tour: Endor

  1. Pingback: Superior Circle Tour: The Copper Butt Award | Thor's Life-Notes

  2. Pingback: Superior Circle Tour: Oh. Deer! | Thor's Life-Notes

  3. John and I went there as grad students and got snowed in for two days!!! This looks nice, too.


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