Cloud Chamber Update

I still don’t have a reliable setup, but some recent changes I made to my cloud chamber have resulted in this very satisfying display of subatomic contrails.  Here are a couple of recordings.  The first documents when I was stunned to see multiple concurrent trails and I called for Poldi to witness it.

“Hey Poldi!” (expand to see what we were excited about).

The second video is a sustained view for several minutes, placed to background music, to mesmerize those of us who are susceptible. Think about it. This is a visual representation of the radiation that is all around us! Expand to full screen for best effect.

If you’d like to read about how I got here, the previous post describes the project of building the cloud chamber.

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One thought on “Cloud Chamber Update

  1. It’s amazing what one can do with a garage workshop, a bit of skill, a bit of knowledge and a heap of curiosity!

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